



青少年赤十字JRC Junior Red Cross


    As part of the party to welcome our new students, we enjoyed an Easter egg making and Easter egg hunt event, with the aim to promote their international understanding. ‘Easter’ gets its name from the Germanic goddess of spring, Ēostre, and eggs have long been regarded as ‘symbols of life’ as after a long period of time, new life is born.

    This year, we welcome 6 new members to our group and we hope to work on projects that enable us to adopt a more global perspective ahead of the Olympics next year. On 7th September 2013, Tokyo celebrated its selection as the host city for the XXXII Olympiad and Paralympic Games. The decision to start the educational programme ‘One school – one country’ was gratifying for those of us who are engaged in promoting the education of Olympic nations. At the same time, we also understand the responsibility we assume as a range of people will be watching the progress of our Olympic education in Japan.

イギリス中央に広がる丘陵地帯を総称して呼ばれる「コッツウォルズ (Cotswolds)」。総面積2,000km²もの地域に、緑の丘や昔ながらの景観を残す村々が点在する美しい場所です。ナショナル・トラスト運動の盛り上がりとともに、1966年には「Area of OutstandingNatural Beauty(特別自然美観地域)」 に指定され、自然と景観、人々の暮らしを守りながらその良さを伝えていくための特別地区として知られるようになりました。

