Intramural Recitation Contest 英語暗唱大会
Saitama Municipal Junior and Senior High School
The 37th Intramural Recitation Contest 2019
Contestants and Prize Winners
1 主 催 さいたま市立浦和高等学校英語科
2 日 時 令和元年5月28日(火) 午後4:00~5:30
3 会 場 B棟1階 コミュニティーホール
4 結 果 優勝 荒木日向子
優勝者:荒木 日向子 (Hinako Araki):
I am honored to receive this opportunity. I practiced hard to make Kennedy’s speech my own. It was fun for me to practice because I could be like a different person while delivering my speech. I will keep making an effort to improve my skills of English and speech.
We had the 37th English Intramural Recitation Contest this year. All of our students had practiced well for this contest; especially the representatives from each class did great jobs. From the top finishers, one of them will participate in the English Speech Contest sponsored by the Saitama Senior High School English Education & Research Association. We expect them to be more active in the near future.
Saitama Municipal Urawa High School
English Department